Friday, December 30, 2011


My final projects for Illustration Design Principles. basically we had to choose a Grimm fairy tale, take one passage from the story and make four illustrations to describe the passage. I choose Thumbling and illustrated Thumbling's parents find the wolf in their home, the parents confronting said wolf, them realizing Thumbling was inside the wolf and then the wolf cut into pieces and Thumbling emerging from the wolf's body. We were only supposed to bring one scene to a "finished" level, but I really got into the project and decided to do two.

I'm pretty happy with them, I learned a lot about colour with this project as well as creating mood and atmosphere using composition (obviously the course did it's job).

Hope everyone had a great holiday and have a happy new year :D!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lu the Llama

10" x 13"
Watercolour, gouache and coloured pencils
Illustration board

Last project of the semester for Conceptual Process! Not going to give the specs of the project, but it actually turned out to be pretty fun. 
It's a llama selling spittoons, get it :D

 My linear next to my final:

This was my first time using a linear and I'm not too sure how much I like them. Maybe they'll grow on me? The only part I found relatively helpful was that I could just trace the linear onto my board and it didn't require any extra thinking. But black and white studies just make me so confused about colour. 

And on a side note did you know llamas establish hierarchy through spitting at one another? 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wicked Fortune Teller

Wicked Fortune Teller
Photoshop CS5.5

I was just thinking about how really good artists/ illustrators not only are fantastic at what they do, but they do such a great job on selling the idea of being an artist. They just make their lives seem so glamourous and cool.

And then I started thinking about if I do that. And I would really like to make people think I live this glorious, design filled beautiful life,
but in reality I look like I've just rolled out of bed, I need some major sleep and I need a haircut.
Probably one of the least glamourous people you can find (especially Fridays at 8am, man that's just bad).

One day I'll make people believe what I'm doing is super spiffy and they'll be like 'MAN HER LIFE MUST BE AWESOME'
and they'll go to art school and make the same realizations.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Procrastination :(

Idk why I'm procrastinating SO HARD on my stupid essays. I just can't write anything meaningful or logical at all :'(
But on a brighter note I just finished my very first illustration-type-thing for school (aw yeah even though it's like the end of semester 1)

I'll leave the interpretations up to you, but I'm hoping you guys get what I wanted them to be because... if your guess is totally wrong then there's a problem...


aww see, they love me :') 
I think I have a husky problem. Who needs a dozen cats when you can have tons... and tons... of huskies... 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekly Sketches #3

Sorry for the shitty last page, I just don't feel like scanning it again :|
So much dead guys, just so much.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Royal Winter Fair + Sheridan Illustration Merch

I had the chance to go to the Royal Winter Fair yesterday in downtown Toronto with about 12 of my classmates. It had to be the best field trip I've ever been on,  you can't beat 5 hours of straight animal drawing :D

Everyone got their own mini Sheridan Illustration stool (it had Sheridan Illus. on it, I felt so cool ;u; ) and we sat in front of the animals and talked to them (or yelled if they moved, there was a lot of that happening). I tried using different mediums, but it all went back to pencil in the end. Watercolour was SO BAD holy shit now I've got to practice so I don't disgrace myself in public again.
And drawing in public was mildly terrifying. I've creeped people in public before, that doesn't even bother me, but when you're drawing the animals people walk by you and stare over your shoulder,
But yeah, it was fun and I could've stayed for another couple of hours (next time).

One of my classmates Melissa posted her sketches online too, you should check them out!

And in other news I officially love Sheridan. They had a mini-sale for the fourth year illustration grad show and I bought some stuff. I'm totally going to save money JUST SO I CAN BUY ILLUSTRATION MERCH.

Last years Grad book (so nice, the quality of the printing is beautiful! And the illustrations are okay too :p).

Some Kailey Lang buttons (Melissa grabbed the pair of earrings I was debating on buying, WHY). These things are so cute, like, they melt my heart (even if you can't tell by the photo).

Life's good when you can draw animals and buy really adorable buttons :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekly Sketches #2

You'll see as the weeks go on the pictures get progressively worse (this week was pretty good though). I'm 12 pages behind and I don't have the drive to make anything creative.
UGH I'm going to extra life drawing tomorrow so maybe I'll end up doing some interpretive life drawing.
or something.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Painting 1

You know you're desperate when the only thing you can upload are still lives :'(
I'm sorry I don't draw anymore ;n;

Paintings start from week 3 to the end of midterm. It's pretty cool how we have to train ourselves on how we perceive colour, like where tones are warmer and cooler. And even when you can't use pre-mixed blacks or browns the class is pretty fun. 
Plus my prof is super nice and extremely helpful which makes me want to work harder :'D

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Figure Drawing 1

Got my figure drawing portfolio #1 back today and I got an A :D!
My prof is the type of marker who is, "an easy marker but it's hard to get a good mark" type of guy (his exact words no joke). So the A was like... so much more awesome :')

He took my best pictures out of my portfolio, idk if he's putting them up or what, but if he does put any up I'm going to take a picture and blog it tomorrow x)

This one was my favourite out of everything.
Like, it was perfect ;o;

I know it's only my first 2 months of school, but that mark just totally made my week ;u;
OVERFLOWING WITH JOY AND HAPPINESS (my family can't take it much longer)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekly Sketches #1

Sorry my artistic absence, school's been somewhat busy recently and to be honest I just haven't been drawing anything terribly interesting. School's really hammering us with the basics (like colour theory and shape, construction, etc.) and we haven't gotten many chances just to let ourselves be free~

But my conceptual process class, taught by Julia Breckenreid (I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I've always wanted to do that :'D ) forces us to keep a daily sketchbook so I thought,
why don't I just post what I have in there? It proves to the internet I'm not artistically dead and it'll help motivate me to actually do them every day :p
Every week, most likely on Mondays, I'll post 6 pictures from my sketchbook. Since I'm starting this late though the sketches on this post are from the middle of September. I might post a few more in a couple of days to catch up. 

My reading week just finished... today I guess so I'll be getting a lot of projects back, like my figure drawing portfolio and some painting pieces. I'll upload them when I get the chance :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is art?

Once upon a time,
there was once a sketch.

It was a nice sketch,
clean, neat and tidy.

but soon after,
the sketch was overpowered by a terrible force.

It was drowned in useless decorations.
Lost in a sea of senseless colour.

Now the sketch lies buried underneath,
waiting one day for someone to see it's former glory.

And that's what happens to all of my pictures. HOW DO YOU ART????
I'll upload some school stuff once I actually start not being terrible.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Portfolio Drawing Test

I was going to post my portfolio for a couple of months now, but having a broken camera and a tendency to procrastinate kind of delayed my plans. Now that I have a new camera, and I have to re-start my work ethic, I'm going to post my accepted Sheridan Illustration portfolio up half today, and the other half whenever I photograph all my pieces :P

Overall I got a 78/ 100 score on my portfolio which though is not the greatest, it's a solid score that will get you into the program. The minimum score to get in this year was 55/ 100, but the minimum really depends on the people applying and in general how good their work is. One year the portfolio minimum was a 66/ 100.

For the drawing test each piece was marked out of 10, and I'll post my mark for each picture. Probably my drawing test was the best part of my portfolio. 

Figure Sitting

Figure Standing

Figure doing an everyday activity

Figures - 9/ 10

Pen drawing with a figure in a room, creating a mood/ atmosphere. NO PENCIL.
9/ 10

Looking through a window, shows perspective and understanding or foreground, middle-ground and background.

Cube, sphere and cylinder objects before.

Cube, sphere and cylinder objects after a change.

Objects - 7/ 10

Just a note with the figures, for the two people who have censors over their eyes, I just didn't want them to see my blog and be like 'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PUT THIS UP ARGHHHH' because they both didn't like those pictures :'D
And I'm pretty sure I lost marks on my objects because my 'change' was not that creative. yeahh

Hopefully this helps some people needing portfolio examples! I found very few portfolio examples when I was doing mine and it wasn't fun. If anybody has any questions then contact me at, or send me a note on deviantart or tumblr. Don't know how helpful I'll be, but I'll try my best :)
Best of Luck guys!

Some helpful links: (you'll have to go through a whole bunch of pages, but it's worth it!)
Jori Bolton's portfolio (done almost 4 years ago but it's extremly helpful and his drawing skills are amazing! He got a 89/ 100 on his portfolio)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Square Foot Show pt.1

 Pretty for Pretty's Sake
12" x 12"
Acrylic + Embroidery thread

So I'm a real cool kid and I didn't spell Pretties right, but you know what, idc. Maybe we can make a whole bs meaning for the picture using my glorious error and I'll end up looking like an intelligent and witty individual.

But in all honesty this has no meaning whatsoever :| I just wanted to draw a pretty tiger because I have no artistic drive /sob. And I bought an expensive thing of gold paint and I wasn't just going to let it sit on my shelf without being used >:|


Little embroidered cheeks!


If anyone is in the GTA (or even better downtown Toronto), come visit the Square Foot Show at Twist Gallery, 1100 Queen Street W. The opening night is August 6th at 7pm and  I'll hopefully be there too!
More info here~