Wednesday, October 31, 2012


For my electronic media course we had to contact a "indie" band and create three promotional pieces for them using only three pantone colours. I really enjoyed the project, probably because I just did whatever I wanted haha! The QR codes work too, one will send you to their website and the other will let you download a song for free!
(There are only 2 QR codes,  I just repeated them)

Though they did seem a lot cooler a month ago :|

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Greatest of Self Portraits

I am such a great artist, you guys are all just jelly!

jks naw I'm far from that. I'm kind of worried about stagnation, I feel like my sketchbook is a huge comfort zone and it's really fun but it's all the same. I need to explore concepts and media and really challenge myself. Keep on getting better, do more!

And there was a grammar mistake on my last post, and I apologize. Not as cool as I was hoping to be now am I!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


1 1/2 hour studies. I suck at portraits.

Late night doodles which I may or may not regret.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


One day I drew my bag.

The same day I drew a clydesdale at school (how cool!)

Then today I drew a whole bunch of stuff and idk what happened.


I need to go to extra life more.
And paint more.
And go outside and draw.
I'm such a slacker, what am I even doing?

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Morning View
8" x 8"

My decorative piece for school that had to be based on one (or more) of the four elements. I know it's not super decorative like Mucha's work (I can't do that level of detail; I honestly don't know how he could) but I wanted to take my own approach to decorative instead of being highly inspired by somebody else.

I really enjoyed working on this picture more than the final outcome. I could have pushed the patterns, it looks really simple still and I made a couple of weird colour decisions (the top of the mountains, that was a bad choice). But it was my first time doing a picture in gouache and after hearing my profs say how hard the medium is I feel pretty proud haha! It was hard to deal with, this picture probably took me way longer than it should have because I used gouache and not acrylic. 

But it's cool now, we're cool.

What really helped me beside the b + w copy was doing a colour rough in photoshop. The colours are more united in photoshop (which sucks that I didn't pay more attention to what I was mixing, I should have limited my palette and stuck with the colours I started out with) but it really stopped me from worrying about what colours I needed to mix. It was like, "I need this colour, okay, I'll mix it!"

Next week I'll have my electronic media project done and I'm really excited to post it *u* It looks pretty sweet so far  >u<