Got into Sheridan for illustration ;o;! I accepted the offer and now all I need to do is pay fees and whatnot :'D I'm hoping I made the right choice by not going to OCADU, but the idea of commuting downtown everyday and the first year general design program really turns me off e_e I'm just worried that I won't be able to paint/ draw fast enough, or well enough, when I actually start the program (I always have to worry about something :I ), but that just means I have to practice so |"D
I'll try and post my full portfolio sometime next week for anyone next year who needs a bit of help (though my score wasn't mind-blowing :P)
In other news I'm feeling feeling incredibly blah
Like blah for art
I need to change something up because I'm just using the same colours + subject matter for everything 9_9
So yeah, update to say I'm still doing stuff. Maybe I'll do a bit of a sketch book dump near the end of this week (need to work more in it haha)